United We Stand
In contributing to the physical comfort and raising morale of disaster victims, Texas City service and fraternal organizations were of inestimable value. Working along lines indicated by their respective organizations, leaders cared for both their own membership and others who required assistance and advice. Reports of the varied activities, supplied by members of the respective organizations, follow.
The office of R. W. Davis, secretary, was turned over to the Red Cross immediately. P. J. Hayes, president, serves on the local American Red Cross board.
Hoyt Isbell was commended by the Jaycees for his work during the disaster period, in Cooperation with a plan of the organization.
Organized January 16, 1942, E. D. Voorhees, George Diaz, Roscoe Calhoun, R. W. Palmer and J. P. Ripley are still active.
Until neighboring towns answered calls, and the War Assets Administration loaned 6 fire trucks to Texas City, the Heights Department was about all that was left to fight fire. For weeks, a number of men stayed on 24-hour vigil.
At the first business meeting after the disaster, the membership voted a $100 donation to the Texas City Department’s Relief Fund. Taken from the treasury, this money will be replaced by personal subscription.
The Heights Department participated in the memorial service for the Texas City Volunteer Firemen lost or killed.
Membership: Lee Hearn, President; Ray Jones, Vice President; Ted Nylund, Secretary. Treasurer; C. R. Henson, Recording Secretary; F. C. Parkinson, Trustee for 3 years; R. W. Palmer, Fire Chief; W. M. Schmidt, 1st Asst.; T. A. Barber, 2nd Asst; T. D. Huhn, Captain Co. No. 1; Ed Voorhees, Lt. Co. No. 1; Geo. Diaz, Capt. Co. No. 2; Bill Null, Lt. Co. No. 2; and 31 privates.
Missing after the explosions: Privates F. P. Jolly, V. D. Fereday.
During the first days of the disaster, the Auxiliary members served meals at Station No. 1, to local firemen, visiting department members and other relief workers. Food was donated by Mrs. A. L. Smithson, Mrs. C. R. Henson, and Mrs. C. J. Styles, president.
Members collected garden flowers to supplement the depleted stock of the Garden Villa Florist, La Marque.
The May issue of The Texas Fireman, official organ of the State Firemen’s and Fire Marshal’s Association of Texas, carried as its frontispiece a photograph of Henry J. Baumgartner, Texas City Fire Chief missing since the disaster.
Editorially, the magazine commented: “Right now, the catastrophe is on the minds of nearly everyone in Texas. It is also being talked about all over the nation.
“But how long will you remember how many Texas City firemen lost their lives?
“One group who will never forget is the Volunteer Firemen of Texas. They’ll remember the disaster because 27 of their brother firemen lost their lives in assuming the risk that every firemen faces when he answers a fire call.”
Remaining from the original volunteer fire department are the newly appointed Chief Fred Dowdy, J. W. Williams, Dick Wilson, F. W.
Anizan, T. J. Choats, A. B. Crawford, Guy Clayton, J. H. Clement, J. R. Dugat, C. E. Estep, H. W. Ellis, E. H. Fitch, D. S. Jones, Oscar Jordan, H. Klein, H. R. Latimer, J. H. Mitchell, J.B. Meyers, B. J. Pentycuff, R. C. Ruckman, J.D. Word, J. W. Williams, R. W. Wilson, C. J.Woods, Jr.
The department was chartered in 1911, and reorganized in 1913. The late Walter Wilcox and R. H. Buchhorn served as Chiefs before the late Henry Baumgartner, Chief for 20 years. Driver Clarence Wood, also lost, had been with the department 26 years.
Missing since the explosions: Chief H. J. Baumgartner, Asst. Chief J. M. Braddy, Captain S. B. Nunez, Captain W. C. Johnson, Lieutenant
M. B. Stafford, Lieutenant W. B.Pentycuff, Driver C. J. Wood, Treasurer C. R. Vestal, Privates Lloyd G. Cain, Zolan Davis, R. L. Durio, H. J. Findeisen, Fred Hughes, W. L. Kaiser, Otto Meadows, M. R. Neeley, W. C. O’Sullivan, Marcel Pentycuff, and M. D. Westmoreland.
Identified dead: Vice Pres. A. B. Emsoff, E. H. Henricksen, H. A. Menge, J. C. Stafford, R. D. Smith.
Beginning with Friday, April 18, for the following six days, Mrs. Fred Dowdy and Mrs. J. W. Williams were on continuous duty seeing that the fire fighters were supplied with appropriate food. Others helping in various ways include Mesdames W. S. Horton, H. W. Ellis, C. J. Stiles, Oscar Jordan, Odd Meyers, Ray Jones, Joe Clement, C. A. Henson, and A. L. Smithson.
Victor Wehmeyer, Secretary of the more than 45 Kiwanians, was last seen at the docks in his ambulance. A tragic note was sounded in that many of the contributions sent to the Texas City club were addressed to the missing Secretary. Despite this loss, the club carried on a relief program.
Kiwanian Carl Rust recounted his own experiences as well as those of Kiwanians Duncan Ross, Herb Morris and Ray Rich in The Kiwanis Magazine, according to Dr. Louis O. Schaper, President.
A meeting was held in the office of Lion Joe Mikulik, Past President of Texas City club, Thursday morning, April 17. Attending were District Governor Frank T. Smith, Lions District 2-S-2: Lions Jimmie William and Lion John Moseley, President and Secretary, respectively, of the Galveston Lions Club; Lion D. G. Kobs, Galveston, and Texas City Lions W. P. Tarpey, Jr., Dick Hamilton, Roland Jordan, Loy Jordan, Earl M. Stafford, Neal Evans, Graham D. Mooreman, Sam W. Graves. J. W. Roberson, First Vice President, presided. The President, W. P. C. Voiles. Secretary-Treasurer, J. H. Tadlock, and Lions Warren Mayes, Basil Stewart, and F. I. Lutteman were all victims of the explosion.
The officers of the Galveston Lions Club started an emergency fund with a gift of $1,000. Subsequently, Lions Roland Jordan, Mikulik, Tarpey and Rev. Teegarden were appointed to administer the fund which the generosity of Lions throughout the 47 States (North Dakota excepted) Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico, swelled to such proportions that a secretary, Sidney Albritton, had to be employed to acknowledge the letters, telegrams and checks received. Lions International had flashed a night letter to every club in the United States. Total voluntary subscriptions approach $40,000.
A splendid four-point program has been adopted by the committee:
1. To take care of immediate needs of families of deceased Lions.
2. To take care of immediate needs of injured Lions and their families.
3. To set up an educational fund to guarantee higher education to children of deceased Lions (six children will benefit)
4. To assist people outside the Lions club, regardless of color, race or creed.
State Lion Secretary, Marlowe Fisher, Austin, spent nearly one week in Texas City, personally contacting every member of the club.
Because of the generosity of the Lions Clubs, it was possible to expand the original plan. A donation of $500 was made to the TeenAge Building Fund. A loan fund of $7,500 is being set up to help approximately 20 students in Central High and La Marque High School who lost their fathers; the money is to be loaned without interest. Also under consideration is a plan to assist persons who were in some manner Incapacitated.
Dr. Leonard C. Brown of Compton, California, Lions Club flew to Texas City with a contribution of $1140. Coming with Dr. Brown were Lions R. R. Moreland, C. S. Banta and Morly Chapman.
Lion Tailtwister John Hill, who acted as assistant mayor during the first days of the disaster, was flown to Dallas, where he gave a 25-minute talk before the Dallas Central Lions Club.
At Lions International 1947 Convention, San Francisco, July 28, August 1, Past President Roland Jordan delivered an address recounting
Texas City Lions service during the disaster.
The Texas City Lions mention with pride that many of the public officials who served the city so well during the crisis are Lions. Mayor J. C. Trahan, Chief of Police Ladish, Commissioner W. P. Ludwig, City Judge Burt C. Hallenbeck, W. W. Roten, Emergency Building Inspector; and in the school system, Roland Jordan, B. R. Brooks and Homer Smith. Lion Hill served as assistant mayor, Lion, Larry Rush offered the services of his bus lines. Lion Dr. S. Wall, Commander of the Texas City Post of the American Legion, headed the most important service rendered by the Legion. Lions Rev. E. E. Jackson, Pastor of the First Methodist Church, Rev. Henry Quinius, First Presbyterian Church, and Rev. Kenneth L. Teegarden, First
Christian Church, and President of the Ministerial Alliance, are all active members.
Of a membership of approximately forty business women, none was lost.
Officers include: Mrs. Margaret Russell, President; Miss Maude Braswell, Vice President; Mrs. Margaret Noble, Second Vice President; Mrs. Celia Lerman, Treasurer; Miss Ruth Strong, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Hazel Hill, Corresponding Secretary. Directors: Mrs. Frieda Bohmler, Mrs. Catherine Gunderman, Mrs. Aline Mason, Mrs. Eloise Cameron, Mrs. Edna Danforth, Mrs. Edna Remschel.
All officers engaged in some phase of rescue or rehabilitation work. Members who had unusual activities include: Mrs. Edith Carrague, Mrs. Asceena Bell, Mrs. Pearl McGar, Miss Mildred Ely, and Mrs. Eileen Kirby, all of whom showed the spirit of our motto, ‘True Course Ever.’ Mrs. Margaret Noble, Chairman of the Board of the Texas City National Bank, and Regional Vice President of the Southwestern Division of the Association of Bank Women, carried an especially heavy responsibility.
We received many donations from our own organization, which we appreciated very much. We also had a welcome check from Clare Tree Major, whose theatrical productions we sponsor for the entertainment of Texas City children.
Our recording secretary, Miss Strong, expressed our deep appreciation for the thoughtfulness and kindness shown us as a club in her article, “Sympathy Rain,” appearing in the June issue of The Pilot Log.
As a club and as individuals, we are determined to go forward with the task of rebuilding and rehabilitating.
The club held the regular meeting at the regular time, regular place, six days after the blast. The cafe was badly damaged, but a good meal was served to those present, a large percentage of the membership.
J. W. Butler, Capt John Jacobson, and Rev. Roland P. Hood paid tribute to H. J Mikeska, President of the Texas City Terminal Railway Company, the only member missing or dead. H. K. Eckert, Manager of Monsanto, newly elected Vice President of the club, was in a hospital with a fractured skull. Lutz Frieler, a member on leave, was also in a hospital, badly injured.
J. S. Sullivan, Manager of the Houston Natural Gas Corporation, serving Texas City, and Buster Waugh, District Manager of the Community Public Service Company, reported that they had had all gas and electric service cut off promptly to prevent fires. Rotarian Carl Nessler, Past President of the local club, is chairman of the Texas City Relief Fund. Many Rotarians and Rotary Clubs sent generous checks, all of which were turned over to the general fund. The hundreds of telegrams sent the club were much appreciated.
Eugene P. Humbert of Bryan, Governor of Rotary District, attended the April 22 meeting, bringing greetings from Rotary International.
Mr. Humbert: -
“The best news I ever had was from your President, Orlando Blackburn, saying, ‘Regular meeting, regular time, regular place. Can you be here?’ It has been a privilege to see the Texas City Rotary Club helping to get the town back to normal by sticking to its own schedule.”
Department Commander of Texas V. F. W., J. Henry Perry, came to Texas City; Henry Greenberg, Judge Advocate, Dept. of Texas, V. F. W., was at the scene, also.
Excerpts from a letter written by the Judge Advocate follow:
“The membership of Posts of the Area went into action, performing well many and varied tasks.
“Comrade Lloyd C. Abel, member of Post 3216, County Service Officer, in a special building set aside for relief work, filled out many claim, for widows of members and non-members alike.
“Funds came in daily from V. F. W. Posts throughout the Nation, and V. F. W. Departments as well, checks being made payable to Comrade Walter J. Gates, Department of Texas Quartermaster.
“The V. F. W. of this area did an outstanding job.”
Dead or missing members of V. F. W. Post 3216: Harry C. Conklin, Isaac E Dalrymple, Herman A. Dock, John B. Fuller, George C. Legendre, Joseph C. Luhning, Jacob O. Meadows, Thomas J. Payne, Joel C. Stafford, Don Bartosh, Joseph E. Gollberg, C. S. Hattenback, John L. Hopkins, Oscar Robenson, Fritz L. Rohden, Marshall Stafford, and. Clarence J. Woods.
Dead or missing members of Post 880, Galveston: Richard J. Herrin, Sr. Vice Commander; Henry Kric, P. H. Bima.
V. F. W. Post 4134, Texas City (colored), Sam Coverson, Commander. Dead or missing; Alvin Johnson, Quartermaster; Mason Cunningham.
The V. F. W. Home of Texas City was completely destroyed.
Assisting the Department Commander and Judge Advocate with a survey were R. E. Cummings, Commander of 16th District; A. L. Guisisti, Past Commander Post 880, and L. C. DeWalt, Past Commander Post 3216, and Harvey F. McGinnis, Commander, Post 3216.
Mrs. Mae Rhoden, President; Mrs. Jane Williams, Sr. Vice President, and Mesdames Adolph Rhoden, Charles Rohden, and W. B. Herod distributed fruit, candy, etc., at the John Sealy Hospital on May 9 and May 12. These foods were purchased with V. F. W. Auxiliary relief money.
Gowns and other clothing were provided for hospital patients. Mesdames J. E. Wilson, Frank Wilson, and Helen Mangum spent several days in a tent on 6th Sweet, distributing clothing sent to the V. F. W. and Auxiliary from every state in the Union.
‘In Peace As in War, We Serve”
Shortly after the first explosion, Commander Dr. S. Wall set up headquarters in the City Hall, on 24-hour duty, attempting to relieve the burden thrust so unexpectedly upon the city officials.
From all over the state, Legionnaires appeared. Immediately after the blast, Commander E. H. Thornton, Jr., Maco Stewart Post No. 20, Galveston, recruited several hundred men for relief work. Posts from Houston, Lake Jackson, Port Arthur, Beaumont, Bay City, Seabrook, Alvin, Freeport and other cities were represented.
Department Commander Bertram Giesecke, accompanied by District Commander V. K. La Fargue, arrived, making arrangements for veterans’ relief. Checks poured in from all over the country.
An office was opened in the First State Bank, and Mr. Mitchell, State Service Officer, and Mr. Ralph Holman were ready to assist veterans or families of veterans.
The Legion Home was totally destroyed. We plan to rebuild a bigger and better Legion Home, and go forward with other citizens of Texas City and build a bigger and better town.
Our roll call of missing: Roy L. Durio, Roy L. Edgar, Fred Hughes, Thomas Edward Heffner, Joseph B. Ray. Jr., Dale Smith, William A.
Murphy, George Williams, Clarence Woods, Victor Wehmeyer.
We will miss you, buddies. May you rest in peace.
Besides working with the Salvation Army, American Red Cross and other agencies, the members of the Unit cooperated with the Post. Especially active were Mrs. Therole T. Lemen, President, Mesdames J. C. Everhart, R. E. Englet, J. C. Luhning, Hattie Selvidge, T. H. Stanley, Robert Pawloskey, Carl J. Walker, Bert McCauley, S. Wall, H. R. Taylor, and Mrs. Hugh L. Madden, Junior Past President and State Chairman of Publications, and member of the Eight and Forty.
Mrs. W. A. Cole, Department President, and Mrs. Otis Aaron, Department Rehabilitation Chairman, and Mrs. Jewel Lockhart, Department Chaplain, came to Texas City shortly after the explosion to make a survey of the needs of the Auxiliary membership.
Although the I. O. O. F. Hall was condemned later, it was used immediately after the explosion as headquarters for the Salvation Army.
Contributions from other lodges and the Grand Lodge are being used for both the assistance of members and replacement of equipment and for repairs to the hall. Assistance was rendered their own membership.
Checks were received from other Rebecca Lodges. These funds were used to assist needy local members and to replace damaged equipment. The Rebeccas meet In the I. O. O. F Hall.
TEXAS CITY LODGE 1118, A. F. & A. M.
V. L. Rose, Worshipful Master, appointed Dwight Dupuy, P. M. and Past Dist. Deputy, to head a committee to call on widows and offer assistance. Others on the committee were J. M. Harris, Jr., Secretary, P.M., P.D.D.G.M., C. H. Meyers, Orlando Blackburn, and Todbert Meyers.
Lodges from many parts of the country sent money to assist in Masonic relief.
A beautiful memorial service was held Wednesday, May 28, 8:00 P. M., at the Texas City Football Field. Uniformed honor guards of the Knights Templar from Galveston and Houston took part in the service, as did heads of the Grand Chapter, Grand Council, Grand Commandary and the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Scottish Rite in Texas.
Members of the Texas Lodge, dead or missing:
B. R. Durst, Emory Fletcher, Burton Goar, F. Hughes, Roy T. Hatfield, E. J. Katzmark, P. M. of Texas City Lodge 1118; ‘Warren Mays, A. L. McAdams, R. D. Southerland, J. H. Tadlock, C. R. Vestal.
Other Masonic dead: Fred R. Atwood, Sr., P. H. Bima, F. E. Drake, John Dickey, Jr., Mitchell Ellis, John D. Franklin, A. S. Hammerand, Russell Holmsten, Harvey Menge, H. M. Milstead, Frank A. Nichols, Basil M. Stewart.
Ruth E. Madden, Worthy Matron, headed a committee to take care of needs within the membership, and to offer any possible material or spiritual consolation to widows of Alvin McAdams, Thomas K. Moore, Sr., Harvey Menge, J. H. Tadlock, Bernard Gollberg. Sister Minnie Gollberg lost a son, Joe, also.
Members lost in the disaster; C. R. Vestal, Junior Past Patron; B. R. Durst, and F. W. Hughes.
The chapter room was somewhat damaged and some equipment was destroyed. Many much appreciated checks were received from members of the order, other chapters and grand chapters.
Tom Renfro of Houston was appointed director of Texas City Pythian relief, arriving soon in the city. He called on Mayor J. C. Trahan, his assistant J. H. Hill and Chief of Police Ladish, and offered aid.
The following day, Mr. Renfro returned with funds given by the K. of P., D. O. O. K.’s, Pythian Sisters and Nomads from various domains in the United States, with authorization to relieve need wherever found.
A collection of small coins was taken by the children of the Pythian Home in Weatherford, Texas, with the specification that this money be given to unfortunate children. Three children who had lost their mother some months ago and their father in the explosion were given a check in this amount.
Serving with Mr. Renfro in the “Faith Charity and Benevolence” of the Knights of Pythias are Leonard Van Open, Chairman, and Jewell Feazelle, Brock Hamrick and Bert Olsen.
Loss of life among the longshoremen in the recent disaster was heavy; members of the three white Longshore Unions, Locals No. 636, No. 704, No. 1405, are missing 13 members, with 12 known dead; of the colored Longshore Unions, I cannot furnish official figures, but I believe the total dead and missing to be 10.
Of the 25 white dead and missing, 15 were members of No. 636, which is the Local handling deep sea longshore work.
Their names follow: Frank Randall, F. W. Howell, A. E. Leining, Bernard Gollberg, Harry Leining, Arthur Hattenbach, Clarence Hattenbach, John L. Hattenbach, J. C. Newlin, W. E. Self. C. Wohleb, Henry Findiesen, Harvey T. Reagan. Byrd Churchill. John Bodeker was killed at his home near the water front.
My information is that there are 58 dead and missing that were working at longshore work on the three ships, on the morning of the blast.
Deeds of heroism were so common on that day that it may be said there were no heroes. One of the most touching things that I observed was the way men who had been working together, neither knowing the fate of the other greeted each other the first time they met after the blast. Longshoremen generally are a very hardy lot, but I heard many a rough voice choke and saw real tears when they clasped hands.
The three Hattenbachs listed were brothers; there is a fourth who was a member of 1405, who is also missing.
The I. L. A. Hall, a local landmark, was demolished.
(signed) EDWARD PEARS0N,
Recording Secretary
The charter for the Oil Workers International Union Local 449 C. I. O. was granted on February I. 1941, at Texas City, Texas. For several years an office was maintained at Local Union Hall, 5 Third Street North, Texas City. The hall was demolished in the explosions.
A number of our members who were killed were also members of the Texas City Volunteer Fire Department. The largest single group killed from any industry was from the Republic Oil Refining Company.
Our dead and missing include: Joe Braddy. Lloyd G. Cain, Harry Conklin, I. E. Dalrymple, Roy L. Edgar, H. J. Findiesen, Mike Ghirardi,
I. B. Goar W. C. Gryder, L. A. Herm, John L. Hopkins, W. L. Hughes, F. P. Jolley, E. A. Jolly, Adolph J. Korenek, John Marzahn, W. C. O’Sullivan, Louis B. Paysee, Luther A. Quinn, Rufus Ray, D. E. Reed, J. T. Rogers, F. L. Rhoden, R. D. Smith, A. W. Stafford, J. C. Stafford, J. A. Vogg, James A. White, B. L. Warford,
(signed) JOE D. McGEE,
This organization met weekly at the home of Mrs. Ralph Wiggin to alter clothes for delivery to disaster-affected families. The clothing came from various sources, but chiefly from the Salvation Army.
Mrs. W.M. Schmidt was appointed chairman of a Good Will committee to keep a check, on disaster victims. Mrs. Harold Bonewitz is the only member widowed during the disaster.
When the Boy Scouts of the Area were called upon in the emergency, their motto, “Be Prepared,” was ably demonstrated.
Mr. Glenn Rice, Scout executive, is to be congratulated on his very fine organization, which functioned smoothly and efficiently.
Skipper W. E. Stickey, and Scouts of Sea Scout Ship No. 33, La Marque, Texas, gave a splendid account of themselves, under the supervision of the ship commander, A. L. Bogatto.
“The Skipper of this Ship extends his thanks and admiration for his crew who possessed the guts and fortitude to do so big a job.”
Carl Mack, Field Commissioner for the colored Boy Scouts:
“Pomroy Coleman was seriously injured. Our cubs and older boys helped out. Assisting at La Marque canteens were: C. W. Moore, R. F. Sterling, James Sweatt, Grant Prater, P. L. Jones and Courtney Murry.
“Frank Reyna and Record Whitney lost their lives.’’
Sea Scout Ship No. 8, Espia de Mar, were so helpful during the disaster that the Monsanto Chemical Company is to award them a beautiful ship’s wheel with a silver inscription in appreciation of their activities. Jeff Dick is Skipper, Edward Dick is Scribe. The troop is sponsored by the V. F. W.
Mrs. Paul Rittenhouse, National Director, authorized a camp for the stricken area. A conference was held involving Mr. Lee Hearn, President of the South Texas Area, and Mrs. Hearn; Mrs. W. C. Steed (District), Mrs. J. H. McCullough. President of the Texas City Association; Mrs. E. H. Whiting, President of the Leaders Association; Maurice Reddy, Stone J. Crane, Miss Mary Snoddy, American Red Cross; Roy L. Wade, Asst. State Director of Public Safety; Mayor Curtis Trahan; Oliver Homes, and Mr. Dancy, American Red Cross.
Mrs. H. O. Johnson, executive of the Houston Girl Scout Council, authorized the use of Camp Tejas, Webster, Texas, for a four day camp.
Through the efforts of Mrs. H. E. Treichler, Regional Chairman of Girl Scouts, Region IX, Miss Ella Scott Powell, South Texas Area Executive Director, Miss Frances Alred, South Texas Area Girl Stout Field Director, and Miss Dema Kennedy, Girl Scout National Staff Community Adviser, were recruited to head the camp staff.
Mayor Curtis Trahan and Superintendent of Schools Levi Fry arranged for transportation. Harley M. Ross and E, J. Fox, Carbide and Carbon executives, arranged to have food taken to camp and supplied their employees (GI experience) Crystal Brugman, Paul Colquette Vessy (colored), C. C. Sharp and Everett Paul as cooks. The Red Cross paid for the food. Dr. Elinor Blish and assistants provided medical examinations. Donald Berry, South Texas Camp Chairman, donated insurance. Radio Stations KLUF and KGBC carried announcements. Some of the older Girl Scouts helped deliver messages and assisted the Salvation Army to assort clothing.
Texas City Executive Secretary, Mrs. Bert R. Tucker, “another Juliet Lowe,” and Mrs. John Schroeder, also of Texas City, worked with all camps and play days. Other volunteers included Mesdames John Russell, O. L. Post, John Appling, El Campo; Mesdames Gus Watkins, C. L. Orr, Horace Colling, Chris Elliot, L. W. McCall, James Schwab, C. E. Butterworth, W. A Edmunson, New Gulf; Mesdames George Duncan, Alvin, and Waldo Hunt, Angleton; Pauline Bunds, nurse, Aransas Pass; Mesdames Robert Peden, G. L. Clark, Gus Brown, A. Bailey, Henry Lane, Harry Garrett, Bay City; Mesdames Harry Skeets, Harley Yown, E. F. Lihde, W. C. Jackson, Lois Lambert, Charles Saunders, Tri Cities; Mrs. M. Wood, Alvin; Mesdames H. C. Beck, Mary Kliesing, Ada Mae Cook, Pearland.
Girl Scouts Nancy Durst, Teresa Sutton, Carol and Jean Voiles and Aline Pitts, lost their respective fathers. Eva Mae Conklin lost a brother.
Since the children are more affected by a disaster than the adults, members of both the National Field Staff and the South Texas Area Staff will work closely with Texas City Scout people for some time so that they may expand their facilities to include more girls.
Under the direction of the president, George B. Sanders, the Texas City branch of the N. A. A. C. P. set up temporary headquarters at Galilee Methodist Church, where a committee passed out over 2,000 articles of food and clothing to the people. The Houston Branch had sent two truckloads of the necessary commodities for distribution. Other branches outside the state, including the Dallas branch, also offered assistance.
Members of the local branch of the organization who were lost in the disaster include:
Robert French, Jas. Hensley, Curley Aldridge, Henry Comouch, Radie Waits, Alvin Johnson, Hugh Bradley, Truman Gillis, Dave Mitchell, Jobie Scott, Mose Jones, Lorenzo Rice, Kuhn Jones, Willie Latsen. Austin Edwards, Lee Richardson, George Williams, Germ Shavers, Clay Isom, Clement Alridge, Mose Rollins, Frank Jones, Mason Cunningham, Gilmore Earls, Willis Morris, Jesse Pettit, Ernest Rose, Mose Antwine, Elbert Givan, James Bickson, Jerry Scott, U. L.Hobb.
Due to the nature of their organization, or for other reasons, many clubs and fraternal organizations did not have a formal disaster program; members of all of the following clubs and agencies took part in some helpful work during the disaster period:
Texas City Civic Club; Texas City Heights Civic Club; Texas City Optimist Club; Epsilon Sigma Alpha; Fraternal Order of Eagles, Erie 2691; United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America; Latin-American Community Center; Texas City Country Club; Texas City Little Theater; Texas City Teen-Age Club; Texas City Garden Club, and Texas City Study Club.
By the Community, State and Nation Part One
By the Community, State and Nation Part Two
By the Community, State and Nation Part Three
United We Stand